Bulls Go 1-0 in Playoff Finals


The Lethbridge Bulls defeated the Edmonton Prospects 2-0 at home at Spitz Stadium tonight, taking a 1-0 lead in the championship series. The best of 3 series to determine the top team in the 2021 WCBL continues tomorrow in Sherwood Park.

The low-scoring game to start the series was marked by strong defense from both teams. Prairie Baseball Academy (PBA) alumnus Jake Anderson pitched the full game and achieved a shutout win. Bulls’ 2nd baseman Kalem Haney had a particularly memorable game as well. Haney suffered a potential injury and had to be attended to by the club’s trainer in the top of the 6th inning, however managed to stay in the game and was instrumental in two key catches in the 8th and 9th innings to keep the Prospects off base. First baseman Ty Penner’s final play of the game deserves mention, pulling a Michael Jackson quality splits manoeuver to catch a hard throw from 3rd base and keep his foot on first to get the last Prospect’s out of the game.


The series continues on the road tomorrow, with game time planned for 7:05pm. Photos from tonight’s win can be found here.


Lethbridge Bulls 2021 WCBL CHampions


Bull’s Kabayama Talks Finals