Ty Penner on home run and Bulls rally

The Lethbridge Bulls faced off against the Okotoks Dawgs Red team at Spitz Stadium on Sunday, June 27th. The Dawgs took an early lead and would hang on to win 11-9 over the home team Bulls. The highlight of the day for Bulls fans was the bottom of the 4th inning, which saw sustained offensive presence from the Bulls, bringing in 5 runs before Ty Penner took the plate and brought home a 2-run home run to give the Bulls their first lead of the game 7-6. Although it wouldn’t be enough to win the game, the home run from Penner had the crowd on their feet. We caught Ty after the game to get his thoughts.

Ty thinks about the match. “The game went ok.” He says. “We dug ourselves a hole early and had to climb out, we just didn’t hang on for the win in the end. We gave up a few free passes and a walk here and there, which didn’t help us. Our bats were really good and have been really good all year. “ Speaking of those bats, Penner has been one of the big guns for the Bulls in past seasons and we asked him about driving home his first home run in the bottom of the fourth. “That inning we had a lot of momentum, when you come up (to bat) with that much momentum you feel looser, you feel like you’re going to get a hit. I knew Bruner was going to through a few curve balls, and he did. I was able to get the barrel on one and it was out of the park.” We asked how it felt in that moment after he connected with the pitch and could tell it was out of the park. Penner laughs. “It felt great. I want to hit for extra bases and extra power, that’s really my job.”

“That inning we had a lot of momentum, when you come up (to bat) with that much momentum you feel looser, you feel like you’re going to get a hit.”

Even though the Bulls didn’t win on Sunday, Penner is optimistic about the team and their outlook for the rest of the season. “Our offense has been really, really good.” He tells us. “All the players 1 thru 9 and even the bench guys, we’ve all been able to hit. Our team average is really high right now. Canada Day for sure will be really good atmosphere. You don’t have to worry about bringing a lot of enegy because the fans bring a lot of it.” The Bulls play Canada Day, July 1st, at 2:05pm and 7:35pm in their annual double-header with the Edmonton Prospects. “We want to keep it going for the bats.” Ty assures us, looking ahead at the next game. “At the end of the year we know we have a lot of talent, a lot of local talent,” he adds, “and we have a chance to make a run for the championships. I’m looking forward to that.”

“Canada Day for sure will be really good atmosphere. You don’t have to worry about bringing a lot of enegy because the fans bring a lot of it.”

During the academic year, Ty is a 3rd year Kinesiology major at UBC, specializing in neuromechanial and physical sciences. Due to eligibility extensions care of COVID, he’s still considered an athletic sophomore and has two more years of playing eligibility before he finishes his degree. Like teammate Mike Fitzsimmons we interviewed last week, Ty and the UBC team play in the NAIA against a number of American teams most of the time. “I have a few teammates from UBC on the Bulls”, Ty says. “It’s a good group and we’re having a lot of fun.” Once he’s finished his degree and academic baseball career, Ty is planning to apply to medical schools across Canada, although “You need a Plan B if you’re applying to med school.” He says. “If I’m not successful there, I’m considering physio but am also interested in the sports medicine route for sure.

“It’s a good group and we’re having a lot of fun.”

Penner is a pure Lethbridge product, born and raised here. He spent 2 years of high school at Vauxhall Baseball Academy before being accepted to UBC. Ty is staying with his family while he’s back in town, and is thankful for the support he’s received from them. He also credits much of his athletic success to Jim Kotkas, Les McTavish and Joel Blake at Vauxhall, who Penner describes as “An excellent coaching staff”. He shares with us that his time at that school was “an amazing, life changing experience.” Ty also says that being back in Lethbridge and finally getting to play again after the lockdowns have lifted has been a lot of fun. “It’s been really nice to play in front of the home crowd!” He says, and is particularly excited about the energy from the full-capacity crowd being allowed at Spitz stadium on Thursday.

As we wrapped up, we asked Penner what it’s like being on a team with 5 guys with the same name (5 Bulls have the first name Ty). Penner laughs at that question before answering. “I have no idea how. I know most of them, I’ve been playing with or against Ty Weaver and Ty Schafer for years. It was funny when I got here and we were all on the same team. I wasn’t really expecting it. It can be difficult at practice sometimes, guys call “Ty!” and 5 guys think they got their name called! Now we’ve got our nicknames figured out, it’s a lot better though.” So next time you’re cheering at the park, make sure you cheer Penz or Penner so they know who you’re cheering for.

Our photos from the game can be found HERE

For more information about the amazing, life changing experiences offered by Vauxhall Baseball Academy, you can read more about their program HERE

And for tickets to either of Thursday’s games against the Edmonton Prospects are HERE

Courtesy reminder to Bulls season ticket holders, the 2:05pm game is technically an Edmonton home game, so your season tickets don’t get you access to the 2:05pm game. Please visit the link above or call Spitz directly to arrange tickets for the Canada Day afternoon game.


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