Danilo Morales Talks Horns Men’s Soccer


The Pronghorns Men’s soccer team kicked off their pre-season exhibition matches against the Lethbridge College Kodiaks last night. The windy match at UofL Community Stadium’s Suggitt Field saw the Horns play to a 1-1 tie against their opponents from across the coulees. Horns forward Danilo Morales (#10) chatted with us after the game to share his thoughts. The game was “not too bad.” Morales says. “I had a slow first half start, but we really brought it back after getting the first goal.” The first half was marked by nearly 10 consecutive set piece opportunities for the Horns, who failed to convert thanks to several spectacular saves by the Kodiak’s goaltender. “The first half we had some long balls that just went nowhere.” Morales observes. “We adjusted well to the wind and the second half treated us nicely.”

Despite the numerous offensive opportunities, the Horns conceded the first goal near the three quarter mark in the game. “The goal was tough to concede early on. I think the boys did a good job of keeping their heads up afterwards. We kept an attacking mindset and knew one goal down wouldn’t affect us badly.” Morales gives a nod to the quality of the Kodiaks program as well. “Kodiaks have always been a good team. It’s great to play them, especially when we can’t get games because of COVID or other issues. Playing against them guarantees a good game.”

Looking at COVID’s bigger impact on the team and the players, Morales tells us that “personally COVID’s been tough with life in general and soccer especially. Soccer is just about the only thing I really enjoy doing. With COVID it was tough not being able to train and Randy not being able to coach us very much. We tried to get out ourselves while following restrictions and train as often as possible.” Morales sees the return to play as a great opportunity for himself and the team. “I think this is going to be a great year, especially for our first years. We had a lot more [first years] than I would have expected. Every team in the league will be figuring this return to play out so I think we have a chance to have a great season.” Morales hopes the team can capitalize on that opportunity and take the season further than their previous season. “The goal is always playoffs. We have a strong enough team to do it, and I have no doubt the team we have can make that goal come true.”

A Lethbridge local, Danilo is in his 4th year of study in Kinesiology at University of Lethbridge, and it in his third year of playing eligibility in USports. Danilo hopes he can use his academic training one his athletic career wraps up t get into a clinical setting, currently he is eyeing physical therapy or massage therapy.

Morales is a pure Alberta product. He was born in Calgary and moved to Lethbridge shortly before school to be with family here. Through the city’s youth soccer programs, Danilo got in touch with Randy the coach for the Pronghorns, who convinced him playing with the university was a great option. “Our local team looked good and I knew the guys already.” Morales says about accepting the offer to be a Pronghorn. “It was an easy move. The setting is more like a family than anywhere I’ve been.”


And that’s saying something. Morales lives with his mother and brother here in Lethbridge while attending the University. He credits his mom’s influence with helping him get to where he is today. “My mom would drive me to every game and force me to go even when I didn’t want to. When I had lows she always got me to go play soccer. My grandma also loves the sport and seeing her happy makes my day.” The Morales family is a regular group of spectators and Horns home games, and you can easily identify them by their loud cheering whenever #10 is on the move.

Though optimistic about the season, Danilo recognizes there are some challenges they’ll need to overcome to be successful. “Our toughest challenge right now is staying focused. Nobody knows how teams are going to be this season, but going in confident is key. Every team is beatable and we need to keep that confidence.”


As we wrap up the interview, Danilo has a message for our readers and any fans of Horn’s soccer out there: “If you have spare time, come catch our home games! Come talk to the players after the game, we’re all really friendly. And if you can’t be there in person, follow our Instagram @pronghornssoccer to keep on top of everything!” Having the community support is huge for the team and Danilo hopes that they can get some big crowds in this return to play season.

The Horns Men’s team has their next exhibition game at UofL Community Stadium tonight (September 1) at 7pm. “I know it’ll be a great game!” Danilo says. “We’re going to come harder and wish our opponents the best of luck.”

From us here at Lethbridge Sports, good luck to both teams and we’ll see you tonight from the sidelines.


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