Bridge Battle Ringette Tournament a Big Success

Over November 19th to 21st, Lethbridge Ringette Association (LRA) played host to their fall edition of the Bridge Battle tournament. Spanning 4 rinks and including over 40 separate teams spread across ages ranging from U10 to competitive adult teams, the scope of Western Canada’s first interprovincial Ringette Tournament in nearly 2 years was something impressive to witness.

Lethbridge Ringette Association tournament director Kelly Dinsmore felt that the weekend went well. ”Considering it was the first major event we have hosted in 2 years,” she says, “with over 600 athletes I would say it was a success, lots great feedback about volunteers, teams, game times etc.”

Preceding disruption by COVID, the LRA has been hosting the Bridge Battle and Chinook tournaments for many years. Looking at this year compared to previous years, Kelly shares that the outlook of the attendees seemed different from previous versions of the tournament. “As this was the first one in 2 years I think people were really excited, grateful and optimistic to be out there playing again.”

Putting on a tournament of this scale with COVID restrictions still active in Alberta and venues and participants bound by the Restriction Exemption Program, playing host this year was more challenging than previous years. Kelly tells us that initially the decision to even hold the tournament and some of the up front planning was delayed as long as possible to ensure that it wouldn’t be shut down, as the last (scheduled) tournament hosted by the Association was back in March of 2020. This made the job of putting on the tournament that much more challenging. “I think it certainly felt a bit more scrambled in the days leading up.” Dinsmore tells us, “We also were concerned about the health and safety of all participants and were relieved that all teams were still able to attend. Most participants were very respectful of the masking and Restriction Exemption program and were pleased with that as well.”

Despite the logistical challenges, the tournament ran smoothly (from our seat between the benches all weekend at least) and the Lethbridge Sports team heard many discussions from players and coaches about how smooth the process had been. Kelly confirms this was her experience as well, “[I heard] Lots of positive feedback about opportunity to compete!” Some teams took to social media during and after the event as well, in one case to share that this was their clubs first competitive match in over 20 months!

As we let Kelly get back to the work of cleaning up from this tournament and getting ready for the Spring version of the Bridge Battle, to take place on the weekend of March 10-11, Kelly makes sure to acknowledge the many supporters that made the event possible. “Thanks to the employees at the rink and all of our parents and volunteers and sponsors for their support of this event.”

All our photos from the event are accessible here.


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